Explore our content themes

Our content covers 5 fundamental pillars with forward-focused topics that might push the brewing industry in a new direction.  We will be featuring some of the most renowned speakers and companies in brewing culture and tech to marketing, the future of brewing, and much more.

The 2023 series have concluded. Thank you all for attending.


Stay tuned for our future programs in 2024.


Brewing is so resource intense that it leads itself naturally to becoming more sustainable. From new energy sources to landfill diversion, craft beer is in the beginning stages of transforming into an environmentally-friendly industry.


In such an unnerving climate, we could only benefit from a reminder that the beer and brewing community continues to strive to be inclusive, and welcoming all walks of life. Let’s get educated, stimulated and motivated to make real change happen.


Defined as the introduction of something new — going hand-in-hand with creativity, be inspired by leading speakers to think not just outside the box, but way beyond what may previously have been deemed as the “impossible.”


Using technology to put renewed focus on efficiency in order to protect margins, foster stronger partnerships, and get the most out of resources. Exploring solutions that are now available to breweries, no matter the size, that was previously only accessible to major brands.


Finance is the science of creating money. Understand how to apply simple financial strategies and tactics to improve results in your business. Learn about forward thinking, out of the box funding measures that are as creative as craft beer itself.

Watch the Brewers Lectures LIVE 2022 Trailer

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